Rethink How You Write Git Commits

Published May 29, 2021

Table of Contents

How to Write a Git Commit Message

There are no set rules how you should structure a commit message. As long as itā€™s descriptive, and clear. Iā€™m often guilty of writing horrible non-descriptive commit messages myself, after Iā€™m left with no mental energy to distill succinctly what Iā€™ve done. You might write:

git commit -m "Added feature to add todos"

I prefer using the imperative mood way:

git commit -m "Add feature to add todos"

You often perform other verb actions on your Git history, using subcommands such as git revert.

ā€œThe imperative mood is a grammatical mood that forms a command, or request.ā€

You can learn more by reading How to Write a Git Commit Message which inspired the title of this section.

Same as writing comments in your code ā€” try that your commits answer what, and why, instead of how.

You can see the Git history, by saying git log. Youā€™re going to get a list ordered by most recent commits. Each commit is listed with a SHA-1 checksum. Since itā€™s long, we can just specify the first 8 characters.

This problem can be more pronounced, when not considering these things:

git log --pretty=oneline

# ca82a6df Added new feature
# 085bb3bc Fixed breaking changes
# a11bef06 Polishing
Person with a confused look on their face

Compared to being more clear, and descriptive:

git log --pretty=oneline

# ca82a6df Add feature to add todos
# 085bb3bc Fix bug in Safari that prevented adding a todo
# a11bef06 Add micro-interactions to improve the user experience

Which one do you prefer?

Conventional Commits

The Conventional Commits specification is just an agreed upon convention with a simple set of rules for an explicit commit history.

  • The commit should be prefixed with a type of feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, perf, test, build, ci, chore, revert
  • The type prefix must be followed by a colon, and space
  • After it you write a description (short summary of the code changes)
git commit -m "feat: Add todo"
git log --pretty=oneline

# ca82a6df feat: Add todo
# 085bb3bc fix: Solve bug in Safari that wouldn't add a todo
# a11bef06 style: Add micro-interactions to improve the user experience

You donā€™t have to strictly adhere to it. I use a types type, when Iā€™m working with TypeScript type definitions.

I prefer capitalizing the description. It doesnā€™t matter what you prefer, as long as youā€™re consistent. Sometimes a project youā€™re contributing to doesnā€™t have rules. In that case, I first look at how they structure their project, so itā€™s consistent.

Thereā€™s other reasons why this system is useful:

  • You can have automatically generated changelogs
  • Semantic versioning is done for you (since it can understand what type of change youā€™ve made based on the type)
  • Itā€™s self-explanatory, so anyone can understand it
  • Having a more structured commit history makes contribution to your project easier

Using the VS Code Extension

You can use the Conventional Commits extension. It makes it simple to write commits, in a couple of steps, using a dialogue. Pressing Ctrl + Shift + G brings us to the source control panel:

Arrow pointing to the location of Conventional Commmits inside VS Code

You can select the type of change:

Dialogue with options for type of commit

Thereā€™s even emoji options:

Dialogue with options for emojis

After youā€™re done, and do a git log:

Shows git log, after creating a conventional commit



This is a great way to get started, but after a while youā€™re going to notice how slow it feels. At that point you have already memorized, and read the descriptions for the options.

I suggest you get comfortable using your terminal, if you already arenā€™t. I use a mix of both, as sometimes I prefer the visual feedback, such as looking at the difference between two files after Iā€™ve made changes.

Read you later.